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  • Do my customers need to download the Bakesy app?
    No, the Bakesy app is only for businesses. Customers can send inquiries / orders online through your Bakesy Shop, or you can continue to receive inquiries / orders through your current methods (email, social media, website, etc.), and then simply create an invoice within the app. Customers do not need to create a Bakesy account online to receive or view invoices.
  • Can I access my Bakesy account on multiple devices or if I get a new phone?
  • Can I import my existing orders?
    Yes! Bakesy allows you to import all of your existing orders.
  • Can I still receive orders outside of Bakesy?
    Yes, you can continue to receive orders through your current methods (email, text message, social media, etc.) and still use Bakesy.
  • How much does Bakesy cost?
    You will receive your first 30 days for free, then there is a monthly subscription cost of $9.99. Don’t forget that this is tax deductible!
  • Can I receive payments outside of Bakesy (e.g. Cash, PayPal, Venmo, etc.)?
    Yes! You can also specify the payment platforms you accept on your invoices and display your usernames or payment links for those platforms. Please note that this info is not made public and will only appear on invoices sent to customers.
  • Can I have a custom domain for my Bakesy Shop?
    Yes! Click here to learn more.
  • Will Bakesy replace my existing website for my business?
    It's up to you! Bakesy can easily be integrated within your website without having to get rid of your current content.
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